
Standing At The Bustop I Heard A Voice Behind Me

Mix #2

1. Bistro - Madvillain
2. Dr. Carter - Lil' Wayne
3. Airworks - J Dilla
4. I'm A Lady - Diplo/Santogold
5. Posse On Broadway - Sir Mix A Lot/Diplo/Santogold
6. Basic Instinct - Quasimoto
7. One Blood Under W - Wu-Tang Clan
8. Hoe Cakes - MF DOOM
9. Suicide Uma Schrantz - P.O.S.
10. The Bmore Club Slam - Wale
11. Gold Watch - Lupe Fiasco
12. Phony Rappers - A Tribe Called Quest
13. Hi. - J Dilla
14. Shells - MIA
15. Me - Atmosphere
16. The Artistic Integrity - Wale


  1. I wanted to do a hip hop mix and you beat me to it.

    CLASSIC hip hop mix, here I come.

  2. wingnuts.

    I was gonna p-list it, but ya know.
