
Peace Out

Remind me to tell you an analogy. Paging doctor improve my guitar skillls.

Peace Out (rough1):

when i was younger i always wondered
what if gene simmons was here?
with nick and sophie it'd be real low key
we'd all share a beer
and nicole richie walked in, unexpectedly bitchy
because what she heard in the news
that everyone and their ma's were freakin out cause
the first pictures of suri cruise dude

peace out life
get ready for the end.

i'm trapped in wisdom and sneaky suspicions
that jett travolta's still alive
and blanket jackson shouldn't have been
subjected to live life in pantomime
and shiloh and maddox will be blowin out wicks
until six becomes nine
but all this chatter doesn't matter
because the revolution will not be televised

peace out life
i'm ready for the end.

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